Monday, November 30, 2009

Walton, Delaware County

I spent the weekend after Thanksgiving in a little town called Walton. It is in the Delaware County. Let me tell you, it is a very boring town and half the people who live there are either in there late 80's or they are younger with half there teeth missing. But the one thing that i couldn't wait to take a trip up to was the Walton cemetery where i found out that 144 people in this cemetery fought in the civil war, many people who fought in world war 2, and people such as Albert H. Sewell who was a member of the New York State Assembly, and was also part of the New York State Supreme Court. It was pretty cool when we first got there because half of the cemetery was covered in fog so it gave a cool effect, so i snapped a few photos. Take a look at the photos. This cemetery was a big deal!

- JC Beierle

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